SHA-256 Pool 5,053.37 TH/s
Shares (Diff 1):  1,159,230,105 (53.19%)
Invalids:  839 (2.95%) · 25.3 M (2.14%)
Last Block
Pool:  16m (19166500)
Network:  11s (19166573)
Users:  86
Workers:  156

Do not give your username+password to anyone else.

Do not give your username+password to apps or web sites.

A monitoring app or web site will ONLY need your username+API key. You can setup an API key from the 'Account'->'User Settings' menu page after you login.

Your miner password should be 'x' and must not use your login password.

or choose one:



All fields are required. Your Username can't be a BTC address.

Your username is upper/lowercase sensitive, and you must also
have upper/lowercase correct on all your miners.

Passwords require 6 or more characters, including
at least one of each uppercase, lowercase and a digit, but not Tab

Password Reset

25th Apr 22:16:17 UTC sync: 0