What payout method does the pool use?We use PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares)PPLNS means that when a block is found, the block reward is shared among the last N shares that miners sent to the pool, up to when the block was found.The N value the pool uses is 50 times the network difficulty when the block is found - '50Nd'. How much of each block does the pool reward?Transaction fees are included in the miner reward.Pool fee is 1.0% of the total. PPLNS acts like the reward 'ramps up' when you first start mining. What actually happens?The 50Nd means it takes that long to reward your shares.The ramp isn't missing rewards, it's delaying them to reduce variance. Each share is rewarded in all the blocks found in the 50Nd after the share. That's simply how it reduces variance. Each share's reward is averaged out over the 50Nd after it. The pool hash rate for the last day is roughly 1.59 PHs which means the 50Nd 'ramp' is roughly 1day 7hrs. Continue reading below for more detail about how it works: How do the PPLNS payments work?The 50Nd means the pool rewards 50 times the expected number of shares, each time a block is found.So each share will be paid approximately 1/50 of it's expected value, in each block it gets a reward, but each share is also expected, on average, to be rewarded 50 times in blocks found after the share is submitted to the pool. i.e. if pool luck was always 100% then each share is expected to be rewarded 50 times. If pool luck is better than 100%, then the average share reward will be better than 50 times. If pool luck is lower than 100%, then the average share reward will be less than 50 times. What's a shift?When your miner sends shares to the pool, the shares are not stored individually, but rather summarised into shifts.Shifts are ~40min or less in length. Aproximately every 10s, the pool generates new work and sends that to all the miners. The pool also sends new work every time a block is found on the Digibyte network. A shift summarises all the shares submitted to the pool for 400 work changes. However, when we find pool blocks, the current shift ends at the work in which the block was found and a new shift starts. A ckpool restart will also end the current shift and start a new shift. So, what's the 50Nd value?The current Digibyte network value for Nd is 821,382,932.0 and thus 50Nd is 41,069,146,598.5Digibyte adjusts the Nd value after each block, for this reason there are some noticeable stats varience. Next difficulty is not predicable but on long mining distance all earning are correct. When a block is found, the reward process counts back shifts until the total share difficulty included is 50Nd. Since shares are summarised into shifts, it will include the full shift at the end of the range counting backwards, so it usually will be a bit more than 50Nd. When are payments sent out?The block 'Status' must first reach '+101 Confirms' on the Blocks page, and then is flagged as 'Matured', before the reward is distributed.The block reward is sent out within 1 hour after that.Why payout for some block is missing and block still not paid and kept at a pool address?Most of found blocks are paid as soon as these are Matured, but for some reason rare blocks can not be paid automatically andrequires attention of pool operator and manual review. In the past payout processor was paused if kind of such blocks happened. Since 08/2020 automatic payouts for that type of blocks are skipped and block is placed to dedicated queue for manual payouts. Such blocks will be manually paid usually within 1-3 days after found. As result payout delay for other blocks will be eliminated. Why payouts stopped and there is a several hours delay? Do I need to panic? 'Where is my money, dude?'Sometimes regular automatic payout process may fail. Usually it happens because two miners of our pool finds two blockswith the same number, but only one of two could be a valid block and another one will be discarded. This case requires attention of pool operator as well. Please do not panic, nothing is lost and mining is not affected. Your reward remains still the same but payout delay happen. Usually most miners don't even notice such a situation. Just be patient, usually resolution time ~4-8 hours but can be up to 24 hours in a rare cases. |